Catalytic Converter Assembly Systems
Adaptive canning has become a watchword in the automotive industry as OEMs require increasingly complex catalytic converters to comply with the emission control regulations in different markets. Jendamark has developed a range of flexible, automated assembly solutions to help customers keep pace with the changing demands.
Canning Lines
Standard Canning Modules
Jendamark’s range of standard canning modules can be configured in various ways on a production line to create a customised canning solution that meets the customer’s exact specifications.
Jendamark’s standardised canning machines can easily be arranged to form manual, semi-auto or fully automated canning lines. Whether the process is GBD or non-GBD controlled, post sizing (soft stuff) or pre-sizing (hard stuff), Jendamark has a solution. Our machines are proven in industry and cater for both passenger and commercial vehicle ranges.
Economy Canning Modules
For customers seeking a simplified, cost-effective canning solution, Jendamark’s Econo line delivers a general option where less flexibility is required. Multiple modules are combined in a standard configuration and mounted on a single base plate.
Machine offerings in this range include the Econo Shrinker and the new Econo Measuring Machine.

Mat Weighing
Auto Stuffing Press
Passenger Vehicle
Commercial Vehicle
Auto Stuffing Press
Passenger Vehicle
Commercial Vehicle
Mono Measuring
Measuring Machine
Measuring Machine (Manual)
Measuring Machine (Automatic)
Can Orientation
Can Orientation Machine
Can Orientation Machine (Automatic Cells)
Auto Stuffing Press
Passenger Vehicle
Commercial Vehicle
End Can Forming
Forming Machines
Passenger Vehicle
Machine Types Include:
Commercial Vehicle
Machine Types Include:
Double Shrinking Machine
Can Expansion
Forming Machines
Passenger Vehicle
Machine Types Include:
Commercial Vehicle
Machine Types Include:
Double Shrinking Machine
Part Shrinking
Shrinking Machine
GBD Measuring
Measuring Machines
Measuring Machine (Manual)
Measuring Machine (Automatic)
Marking Machines
Passenger Vehicle
Passenger Vehicle
Commercial Vehicle

End-of-Line Assembly
Jendamark also offers end-of line assembly systems where the products that come off the canning lines are combined with other elements into a bigger assembly, ready for installation into the vehicle.
End-of-line assembly includes aspects such as testing, marking, gauging and checking to ensure that the finished product meets the highest quality standards.